What Type of Furnace Do You Have?

See what type of furnace you own and what the efficiency level is.

If you are checking into your furnace and deciding whether or not to replace it. Check out a few facts below.

Low-Efficiency Furnace

Natural draft that creates a
flow of combustion gases
Continuous pilot light
Heavy heat exchanger
56% to 70% AFUE.
44% to 30% is being wasted.

high efficiency furnace replacements in The Finger Lakes

How to identify-
- Metal pipe coming out of the center in the front.
- Does not have a draft fan. Uses atmospheric drafting to vent CO2 to the outside of home.

Upgrading to a more efficient unit will help in savings for years to come. Check our savings chart below.

Mid-Efficiency Furnace


Exhaust fan controls the flow of combustion air and combustion gases more precisely
Electronic ignition (no pilot light)
Compact size and lighter weight to reduce cycling losses
Small-diameter flue pipe
80% to 83% AFUE.
20% to 17% is being wasted.

How to identify-
- Metal pipe coming out of the center in the front.
- Has a draft fan to mechanically vent CO2 to the outside above the roof.

High-Efficiency Furnace

Condensing flue gases in a second heat exchanger for extra efficiency
Sealed combustion
90% to 98.5% AFUE.
Only 10% to 1.5% waste

How to identify-
- There will be one or two white PVC pipes coming from the housing and going to the outside of the home.
- Housing is an entirely closed system.

Annual Estimated Savings for Every $100 of Fuel Costs byIncreasing Your Heating Equipment Efficiency*

Existing System

New/Upgraded System AFUE




































































































*Assuming the same heat output

Tips For Saving Energy

- Cleaning and changing filters regularly will enable your Furnace to work at its peak performance.

Thermostat- A programmable thermostat will enable you to set the system at a comforable level and adjust the temperature automatically so that it does not get forgotten. Setting the thermostat a couple of degrees lower at night or when your are away from home will help save on your heating cost without your comfort level suffering.

Check out the Department of Energy Website for more tips.

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